How I Got Goals Wrong

As I mentioned in my first blog post of the year, I don't really do the resolution thing. To be honest, I haven't really done the whole goal thing. My rationale was that goals are usually overly ambitious resulting in them not being met, and if I want something enough, I'll do it without needing to really articulate it. But, every spring I find myself writing a big goal list for the upcoming summer. It usually features things like "read x books," "finish project y that I started a year ago," and "exercise z times per week," for example. And, every year, I'd meet maybe half of these goals, further providing evidence to myself that goal-setting doesn't work for me. But recently, I had a light bulb moment. It isn't that goal-setting doesn't work for me - I just haven't been doing it right. It took 3 rounds of me being exposed to the right approach for it to click. So, what needed fixing? Recognizing goals and obj...