Looking Forward and Looking Back

What a year!  2018 had so many ups and downs, mistakes and lessons learned, beginnings and endings. Following the lead of many others on Facebook, I thought I would share some snapshots of my past year.  However, I want to do so in a slightly different way.  Next to each major event, I'm going to add something I've learned from it.

  • Started off 2018 with a mission trip to San Lucas Tolíman, Guatemala with friends from my Newman Center and University Lutheran. What I learned: the story of Bl. Stanley Rother who served his parish in nearby Santiago Atitlán during the Guatemalan Civil War, knowing it would lead him to his death. Also learned how fun it is to ride standing up in the back of a pick up and how terrible it is to have amoebas.
  • My Grandma Wiskow passed away in February, suffering from the effects of her second stroke the previous summer.  While I still miss her, especially at family gatherings, I know she's where she has longed to be ever since I was a freshman in high school - with Jesus and my grandpa.  Lesson Learned: One of the things that will forever stick with me because of her is that a few words is all it takes to change perspectives.

  • Drove out to Las Vegas for spring break with 3 of my roommates.  Won $40 off of $1 at the first machine I sat at!  And no, I did not proceed to lose it all.  Also got to explore some of the beautiful parks outside of the city.  Lesson Learned: It is important to be aware of St. Patrick's Day parades when entering a city - especially when everyone in the car is hangry and the route is between you and food.
  • Graduated from UW - Eau Claire with a BS in Mathematics with an emphasis in statistics and a minor in environment, society, and culture.  Although I definitely was not ready to say goodbye to all the friends I made while I was there, I was ready to start a new adventure. Lesson Learned: what you make it; you decide the opportunities to take or pass.
  • Interned with the Office of the Inspector General for the Wisconsin state government in Madison for the summer.  Got a taste of the interesting world of government work and made some new friends in the city, too.  Lesson Learned: I want the type of work environment my section had when I start my own career - one where your coworkers are your friends and new ideas and learning is welcomed.

  • Moved out to St Louis, Missouri in August to start working towards a masters of
    public health with concentrations in biostatistics and epidemiology at Saint Louis University.  I also have a graduate research assistantship where I'm juggling a couple different projects (R package development, substance abuse treatment completion study, a tabled marijuana and DUI project). During my first semester, I have met many amazing people to explore my new home with and occasionally suffer or geek out with during classes.  I also got involved with a young professionals group at the cathedral down the street, which has led to many friendships and fantastic dinners.  Lesson Learned: Getting involved in a church is the easiest way to meet locals and transition into living in a new area.  Also, St Louis drivers should be required to retake their driver's test every 2 years.
  • My dad was diagnosed with melanoma shortly before Thanksgiving.  He is recovering well from his second surgery to determine if the cancer spread.  It was traced to one of his lymphnodes, but we are still waiting for test results to know what stage of cancer he has/had. Lesson Learned: Need to remind Dad every 15 minutes that he isn't allowed to lift things or otherwise exert himself because he quickly forgets.
  • Got to see Amber Run, one of my favorite bands, perform in Minneapolis!  This was their first tour in the US, and Minnesota was their last stop. Lesson Learned: It is worth leaving mid-finals week to see an awesome concert with awesome people.
So many adventures ended and began this past year.  And I am looking forward to seeing my 2019 unfold.  Embracing everything it will bring, good and otherwise.  I wish you all a blessed new year!


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