
In my senior year of high school, my AP English teacher had our class fill out a personal inventory. It's filled with various questions about life experiences, how you approach the world, and creative hypotheticals. Every once in a while, I return to that series of questions and answer them all again to see what's changed and what has stayed the same despite multiple years passing. Looking it over again, a question about irrational fears made led me to ponder another question: "What is your biggest fear?" Thinking back to previous conversations I've had, I know I would have often responded, "Somehow missing my life's purpose." Being a Christian, I believe God has given me this specific life at this specific point in time for a reason. The trick is trying to figure out and live out that reason. For some, God placed a very strong desire in their heart early on, making it fairly clear the path they should take. I do not consider myself one of th...