On the Fridge

Remember the joy of having your work displayed on the fridge as a kid? Not only did your parents like what you did, they decided everyone who entered the kitchen should see it, too. Whenever you passed by, you'd look up at it and smile. You did something good - something that is there to be delighted in. From a technical standpoint, most of those things actually weren't all that great. None of my finger paintings could ever compare to the masterpieces of Michelangelo. Nothing about my portraits were perfect: proportions all out of whack, eyes were never level, no one had knees, feet always splayed out. But yet, they were worthy of display. Some of those art pieces are still on display at my parents' house. You know, it's the same with God. When compared to what God can do, the work we offer Him probably resembles the quality of those kid drawings most of the time. So imperfect. But given where we're at, so good. And our heavenly Father doesn't accept thes...