The Journey to Loving Myself
One of the things I think about fairly often is how many people are struggling with feeling lost to themselves. Who feel like they need to find themselves. Who wonder what it is like to love themselves. I think about this because I only briefly experienced it myself, and I want people to be free of these feelings. I think about how there's a departure at some point. As kids, we don't ask these questions. The idea of not knowing who you are feels absurd because you just are. But then other thoughts creep in, whether they're from classmates, teachers, family members, friends. We develop insecurities and lose ourselves. Some earlier than others. I met this battle head on my first year of high school when I felt a growing distance between my core friend group and myself. Thankfully, a year later I was able to work through it and return to loving my authentic self. Insecurities still exist, but I don't give them the power ...