Now I Begin
I've been mulling over this for a long time - off and on for a couple years. Do I want to start a blog? The idea has intrigued me for a while, but the questions were always 1) what should I write and 2) will I be able to keep up with it?
Well, the second question just requires me to set aside time for this. Can't just assume that I won't keep up with it without even trying. Time will tell if I'll keep it up. Might as well give it a go.
Well, the second question just requires me to set aside time for this. Can't just assume that I won't keep up with it without even trying. Time will tell if I'll keep it up. Might as well give it a go.
The answer to the first question has been more elusive. What do I feel like I need to write? What I've discovered is I needed to answer a different question first. Why do I feel the need to write? Ever since the end of high school, I've been jotting down random thoughts. Responses to comments that I couldn't think of in the moment. Pondering why different conversations have stuck with me months after they happened. Rabbit holes my mind travels down after something a professor or student says in class. The places my thoughts drift to when I have a little too much coffee in my system. All of these things carried a feeling after I wrote them. A feeling that they weren't meant to stay as scribbles on a page. That one day, they should surface.
Today is the day that process begins.
So, what's this blog going to be anyway?
Essentially, this will be the blog showing how I experience the world around me. The little insights and things I find myself pondering. Every entry, at least for now, is something I wrote in the past or an elaboration of it. Looking back at some of the things I wrote, it is easier for me to tell what should be shared. I don't plan on editing much of the originals unless an important shift has happened since then. I'll preface everything with some context. Add some other interjections if I feel the need. The plan is to post on a bi-weekly basis (yes, I am going to put this in my calendar).
Feel free to comment on whatever I post. Like what I write and have something to add, please do! Don't like what I have to say? Tell me why you disagree - voice another perspective to consider. This should go without saying, but be classy with it all. I'll try to be as well.
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