Dark Corners

Everyone have a part of themselves they would rather keep to themselves.  That part that's referred to as your "dark side."  In that corner of our hearts, we keep those memories of times we've failed others or ourselves, those faults that define the chasm between who we are and who we want to be, those desires that we know are not good.  We keep these things in that corner with a determination to keep anyone from finding them.  Maybe we hope that if they stay there long enough, we won't be able to find them either.  We tell ourselves that these things are unlovable and will in turn keep us from being loved.

We decide these parts of ourselves are the darkness.  Perhaps we believe that whatever touches them will be stained by their darkness.  So, they need to be kept in hiding to protect others from being hurt by our own pain and failings.  Or maybe we believe that no one would want to be near such darkness.  That once it is discovered, those whom we care about will flee or establish a permanent distance from us.  But what if these things aren't completely composed of darkness?  What if we simply place these parts of us lacking in beauty and goodness into a dark space?

This idea implies that these things weren't intended for darkness.  They weren't meant to be hidden away where they can't be seen or touched.  However, we decided that's where they need to be.  We decided love cannot reach them.
This dark side cannot be loved because we do not let it be loved.  How can someone love what they do not know exists?
Yes, maybe some people will tell you these parts of yourself and your story are unlovable, but they probably have their own dark corners they are adamant to keep hidden.  They have not let light shine in those places.  But there are those who know that authentic mercy and love does not find the darkness repulsive.  They had once let love enter where they didn't think it could go.  They know the truth about those things kept in the dark.

When those things we keep in the dark are examined, especially with someone we trust, we can start to see them for what they are.  Broken parts of us that have the ability to be mended.  Parts of us that seem useless at a glance, but we just were never shown what they are capable of.  Parts of us that weren't well cared for, but can be restored.  Things that we know we should throw away, but we need help to do so.  All of these things are hard to look at and work through alone.  We are social creatures - we aren't meant to do it all alone.  If we want the darkness to dissipate, light needs to enter.  If we want to be truly known and loved, we need to allow ourselves to be truly known and loved. 

Who will you allow to bring the light to your dark side?


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